Healthy Snack Food Swaps [That Actually Taste Really Good]

I’m a huge snacker. 

I love little tastes of a lot of things throughout the day to keep me satisfied and prevent me from overeating at meals.  

Snacking, believe it or not, can be a successful tool to lose weight… if done right. 

Enter healthy snack food swaps.

This means avoiding the temptation of the vending machines and party-sized bags of Doritos in favor of wholesome, nutrient-dense, healthy snack foods to keep you feeling satisfied.  If you’re someone who snacks on a lot of junk food throughout the day, here’s my quick tip to start making small changes in your eating habits:

Pick one “junky” snack food that you eat each day (think candy, cookies, potato chips etc) that you’d like to eat less of, and swap it for one of the healthy snack food suggestions down below.  

Or feel free to come up with your own healthy creations and share them with us!

Some of my favorite healthy snack foods:
  • Apple slices with 2 tbsp all-natural peanut butter

  • 1 cup plain, nonfat yogurt (Greek or regular) topped with your favorite fruit (or cereal)

  • Make-it-yourself trail mix with nuts and dried fruit (1 serving is about a handful)

  • 2 tbsp. Hummus with dipping plate (1/2 whole wheat pita, turkey/chicken slices, sliced cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, etc)

  • Handful of frozen grapes

  • 1 cup kettlecorn popcorn (sprinkled with cinnamon or a little parmesan cheese)

  • Baked sweet potato fries (cut into discs, sprinkle with salt/cumin/chili powder etc. and bake at 400F for 30 min)

  • Hardboiled egg

  • Turkey rollups: 1 slice turkey, 1 slice reduced fat cheese (optional: wrapped in lettuce)

  • String cheese with a couple whole wheat crackers

Small steps like this help show that it is possible to find alternatives to your favorite junk food that are not only healthy for you, but taste good, too!  Striving to eat healthy doesn’t mean completely overhauling your diet in one day.  It is the small changes that begin to add up and help initiate more changes in the future to get the results you want!

Leave a comment letting me know YOUR favorite snacks.  I’m always looking for new ideas so this is a great way to share with one another. 

Can’t wait to hear what you all come up with!


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